
FR Neck Femur

February 16,2021

Typically, a doctor will decide whether you have a neck fracture based on your neck  or spine posture and your symptoms. Your doctor will use an X-ray followed by  a physical examination to conclude that which part of the neck is damaged.


Depending on the seriousness of your injury, the general health condition, and the type of surgery used, how long it takes you to recover from a femoral  neck fracture will vary.

FR Dislocation C 5

February 16,2021

For people who have chronic pain and mental or muscular deficits, surgery is most likely  recommended to them. When conservative therapies are not successful at minimizing chronic neck pain, surgery is always the last option.


Signs and symptoms related to the compressed nerve, such as decreased discomfort, tingling, numbness, or fatigue in the arm, can be eased by following surgery at C5-C6.

Knee Replacement Surgery

February 23,2021

A knee substitute, also called knee arthroplasty or full knee replacement, is a surgical procedure to resurface a knee affected by arthritis. This surgery could be needed for anyone who has severe arthritis or a serious knee fracture.


After surgery, for one or two hours, you will be brought to a recovery room. You will then be returned to your recovery bed, where you will possibly stay for a few days. Physical therapy will teach you how to work out your new knee a day after surgery.

Tendon Repair

February 23,2021

Tendon repair is an operation intended to replace somewhere in the body a partly or completely torn tendon. Because of overuse or injury, any tendon may become weakened or broken. A partial tendon tear may need no care other than rest, while urgent tendon surgery may be needed for a fully torn main tendon.


When you have undergone major tendon replacement surgery, you may have to spend one or two nights in the hospital. You will be cared for in the recovery process by orthopedic nurses and physical therapists throughout your stay.

Healed Case of FR Pelvis

March 19,2021
Glomus Tumors

Glomus Tumor Treatment

Glomus tumors are uncommon and typically benign lesions that develop from the glomus gland. They are the skin’s vascular and thermoregulatory glomus body. They are frequently, but not always, associated with the nail bed and the diagnosis is typically based on the clinical history and examination. glomus tumors are not easy to be diagnosed but can be detected through a bluish tint beneath the nail, and the nail fold may become raised as the tumor grows. It can be treated easily through surgical excision, and if the excision is complete, the chances of full symptom relief are excellent. Recurrence is uncommon and is most likely caused by inadequate excision of numerous lesions that went unnoticed.

What Is Tendon's Repair And Why Is It Done?

Tendon repair is a surgical procedure used to heal a torn or otherwise injured tendon. Tendons are the band-like soft tissues that link muscles to bone. When muscles contract, tendons pull on the bones, causing the joints to move. Tendon repair surgery may be beneficial for patients who have tendon injuries that make it difficult or uncomfortable to move a joint.
Tendon repair


Total Knee Transplant

She is a 48 years old female Complaining of pain in both knees since 4 Years. Her pain has increased gradually and her knee has become deformed. Now she is finding it difficult to walk.
knee transplant
kyphoplasty surgery

Kyphoplasty Surgery

Its a related with spine, minimally invasive procedure used to treat vertebral compression fractures by inflating a balloon to restore bone height.